
Improve the position of your Adsense Blocks.

1.Every time follow the Adsense Heat Map, it was designed to optimize your ads exposure and to boost their perform. Red spots are the best and pale spots are of low performance.
2.The blocks of AdSense links can be a good source of income if they are located somewhere near the navigation links of the site or where the main attention of the user went while surfing your site.
3. The announcements that are not mixed with the bottom do not work well.
4. The announcements that are located in Lateral or underneath break of the page are rarely visible for the visitors of the site.
5. The announcements that are placed in the Lateral often do not work well.
6. The perfect location for a box search is in the right corner superior or close to her. Additionally the page of results search must be within your site so that the visitors do not leave your page.
7. An announcement of 250 x 250 or 336 x 280 placed with the content of your site (near the title of the article) is usually very effective.
8. The announcements that are placed at the end of an article are usually effective in long articles. The users would read the complete article and soon they would look for additional readings.

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