
How Much Time Takes To Start Making Money With Adsense

How Much Time Takes To Start Making Money With Adsense
In the web you will find a lot of programs that promess easy money in just hours or days. The truth is that making money with a website or a blog, using adsense as a way to monetize your online content, might take much more time than hours or days.
As you begin working with a new site you have to understand that the clicks on your ads come from the traffic, and for a site to have profits you have to get good amounts of traffic because just a small percent of those visitors will click on your ads: about 1% or 2%.

So the main problem of monetizing a site with adsense is not the configuration of announcements, neither color, neither where to place them, neither size, or format, although all this is important and it can increase significantly your profit if you choose the correct one, you will not obtain much money with adsense nor with any other program without a very good amount of traffic.

We can speculate with some numbers of the amount of visits that you need to obtain certain amount of money with this advertising program of Google, for example you can probably make $150 a month if you get 5.000 impressions a day, that is 150.000 impressions by month, this of course depends on the niche your content is on, and this amount is just an average.

So, if some people thought that it was easy, because they have read some of those scams that offer easy money in just days, the answer is: no, its not easy and it will take months of hard work.
That is because its very complicated to obtain the traffic and therefore it is difficult to make money in Internet.

Those that make money in Internet have written hundreds of thousands, if not millions of words. Remember in Internet CONTENT IS KING, so if you want to attract vistors and rank well in search engines you have to write good, unique content.
As I have repeated until fatigue, to make money in Internet takes long time, and first months are worse because you will work much without seeing a single penny.
So to obtain money in Internet is not very different to have any type of business in the real world, both take time before they begin to give fruits, but in Internet the advantage is that the inicial monetary investment is minimum if not null.

So its not as easy as buying an ebook for you to make money in Internet, much less to make it fast and easy, without hassle.
Making money on internet is learned with experience, working hard and learning from the succes and failure of others and yourself.

So, if you want to make money with your website or blog, using adsense in it, you have to start right now, write good content, submit your URL to the search engines and directories, share and social bookmark your content on services such as digg or delicious, obtain links form sites with similar content as yours and in some months from now you start seeing some money results.

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